05.07.2024 Meeting Minutes


PTSO General Meeting

5-7-2024 @6:30pm

Sierra Verde STEAM Academy Media Center

1. Call to order

· Roll call.

2. President’s Report

a. Teacher Appreciation

· Selling flowers for $1 before school.

· Wednesday Lunch for teachers

b. Teacher Happy Hour at Top Shelf 5/17/24 4-6pm


· Make it a free event

· Make it a donations optional event

· Can we only charge parents?

· Increase prices for pizzas and snacks?

d. Other Fundraising Ideas:

· Family Dance in October?

· Parent Mixer? (Maybe at Top Shelf)

· Back to School Pedicure or Brunch?

· We are unsure of Movie Night for next year. We talked about maybe making Bingo the free event.

· Bricks and Minifigs will be there with a table. We are hoping they can sell SV minifigs at the table. We are waiting on confirmation.

3. Treasurer Report

a. STEAM Closet

· Brittany just received a request list from teachers.

b. Romo requested some new equipment. Brittany will let PTSO know if support is needed for this.

4. Open Floor

a. Shannon leaving Treasurer position

· There was some interest at the meeting regarding what is required for this position (familiarity with Quickbooks, taxes, etc.).

· Per Shannon, we should budget $500-$1,000 if we need to hire out for taxes.

5. Adjournment