PTSO General Meeting
10-03-2024 @6:30pm
Sierra Verde STEAM Academy Media Center
1. Call to Order
● Roll Call
2. President and Vice President Report-
a. Restaurant Night October
-Barros $583
-Cold Beer and Cheeseburgers $358.
-On the Border 10.17.24
b. Bingo/ Silent Auction
i. Donations
ii. Volunteers
-For Bingo, we want 4 teachers for concessions, 3 for $, and 2 volunteers for tshirts.
iii Auction website
-New website this year.
-Bingo 10/25/24
-flyers are out and website is live
-explained increase in cost.
-Membership raffle:
Currently 39 members; goal
to reach 100.
Mr. Lane to promote on announcements-150 kids’ candy bags.
-Principal Hughes will M.C.
Silent Auction
-Miss Mayfield will put together slides to preview silent auction at Bingo.
3. Treasurer Report
a. Update
-Members about %505 in August; about $70 in September.
-PBIS $712 in August.
-Printing $14.
-Mandy will order a sandwich board for back gate to advertise restaurant night $198.
b. Brittany IXL update?
-Kinder doesn’t use it and 1-2 hardly use it.
-Brittany will ask staff if they use science and social studies.
4. Secretary Report
a. District Meeting Recap
-Ideas for Fundraising: community pancake breakfast, staff vs students basketball game.
-Great Skate wants to do a Skate-a-thon and wants people to come for field trips.
-Spirit Apparel company advertising shirts