02.06.24 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes

Sierra Verde PTSO General Meeting

2/6/24 at 6:30pm

Sierra Verde STEAM Academy Media Center

1. Call to Order

a. Roll call

2. President’s Report-

a. Restaurant Nights

-3/7/24 Barros

-3/13/24 4-8pm KTR

-Sonic Night upcoming: advertise with eating competition (we will ask Mr. Lane to participate and raffle off the other spot).


-2/27/24 Pep Rally for kids

-3/7/24 K-6th grade run and 3/8/24 7-8th grade run

-We need 7 volunteers per grade level and better markers (large chisel tip).

c. Movie Night 3/22/24

-Mario Brothers movie

-Food trucks: Lolas Tacos, Cerealtopia, trying to get one more.

-NJHS will run concessions. Cash only?

-We will raffle a parking spot.

d. STEAM Night 4/25/24

-4 Food Trucks.

e. Teacher Appreciation May 6-10th.

-We want one point person to handle all correspondence for teacher appreciation signs. We will try contacting homeroom moms to get posters done in younger grades. We talked about contacting CCV, Mountain Ridge (Previous students) students that need volunteer hours, or on campus SV club to complete posters for teachers that do not have homeroom moms.

-PTSO will provide poster paper and blue tape.

-Signs need to be turned in by May 3rd and will be hung on May 5th.

3. Treasurer Report-

a. Restaurants

-Panda Express $172.

-Abuelos $190.

-Kawaii $320.

b. Programs

-Box Tops Program: $80 this quarter.

-Frys: $480 this quarter.

-We will make an Instagram reel showing how to scan receipt for Box Tops Program at Frys. We will also show how to link with Frys.

4. Principal- Brittany Hughes

-Revamping mission and vision to include bringing back more STEAM and welcoming parents back on campus.

-What would we like to see more of at our STEAM academy?

-STEAM supply closet

-Survey parents to see what they do and have opportunities to invite parents/ community members on campus to share their knowledge/ make STEAM connections.

5. Open Floor

6. Adjournment